Electric Bicycle Guide

It's not about replacing pedaling, it's about enhancing cycling
Issue #1 - November 13, 2011 - Electric-Bicycle-Guide.com


Constant: We're always trying to think of new ways to engage our customers and spread the word about cool new products. Visit our event calendar to join in on the fun this November.

When you first saw our website, did you think we were some block long mega store? Well most people do. The fact is, we're a pretty small shop and the only way to do what we do is by being the absolute best in the business. That's where Art comes in.


General Updates

Reviews: The Stromer electric bike has everything: style, power, function, and quality most of all. The Swiss design is slick and durable - sure to impress with it's smooth lines - and a powerful 600 watt motor to push you flying up the hills! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2CM0NWDaLk&feature=channel_video_title

There are going to be 3 models of Stromer available in 2012: the Stromer Standard, Stromer Deluxe, and Stromer Elite. Our latest video introduces this amazing electric bike and shows off the power and style that have made me smile on every ride. Click here to learn more about the Stromer electric bike.

Izip - http://electricbikereport.com/izip-e3-metro-electric-bike-in-for-review-pictures-specs/

News (Statistics, Trends):


Did you come across a great new concept that you would like to share? Something that really inspired you and you think it has a chance to really make a difference.


Do you have a very unique electric bicycle? Share it and you'll have a change to enter one of the hall-of-fame categories. Some sort of proof is a must here, like pictures or videos! (You are also welcome to share any other unique bikes in every one of the categories even if they are not yours)


Video, Picture, Art


Upcoming Events/Workshops

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If you came across a new e-bike concept, an interesting review, a juicy piece of news, or an upcoming e-bike review and you want to write about it, log on to the Your Stories page and share it with us.

Your stories are more then welcome. If you have a story about a beautiful electric bicycle trip, a special e-bike tip that you have or if you want to write about your DIY e-bike project, don't hesitate, share it with us!

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